
The automotive sector has already embraced digital transformation in its design, manufacturing process, distribution, and finally retail. Artificial intelligence, according to automotive specialists, will be the future of transportation. The use of digital technology to improve online customer service is a great example. Such as dealerships that use e-commerce as an option to sell their products directly. Be it vehicles, automobile parts, or accessories.

As a result of the digitization of the automotive sector in conjunction with Industry 4.0, cyber-attacks, unnecessary losses, accidents, high costs, and inefficiencies have led to increased prices for parts and services and related security challenges. Such problems experienced in this area are passed on to different and diverse partners currently located in the life cycle of vehicle production; Partners include individual and corporate vehicle owners, service users, customers or end-users of logistics businesses.

So let’s look at how digital transformation has been implemented
in the automotive industry with a few points:


People can now watch movies, use Google Maps, listen to music with Bluetooth connectivity, and more thanks to connectivity capabilities like Bluetooth and wifi.

IoT Connectivity Tool

IoT connectivity is defined as the point of connection between the ecosystem (IoT) of all objects and the Internet. Sensors, platforms, gateways, and more are examples of IoT.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things Automotive is deeply embedded within the vehicle, in logistics, production environments, and after-market service infrastructure. More and more auto companies are introducing technology enabled cars in their range of brands.


This advanced technology enables GPS, vehicle entertainment, and enhanced security measures, among other features, to enhance the user experience. Speaking from a supply chain angle, the technology enables OEMs to communicate directly with the customer when an oil change needs to be recommended.

Cloud B2B platforms

At its peak of globalization, integration is taking place across the automotive supply chain. With integration, the need for integration of enterprise and legacy systems across the environment is increasing. Cloud platforms are evolving for faster integration and system integration.

3D printing technology

Automotive companies are at the forefront of adopting 3D printing technologies during the concept design phase for prototype development. The year 2013 saw a number of breakthroughs in the field of 3D printing, including the invention of advanced 3D printers, mergers and acquisitions, and improved business models.

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